Ever since its inception in 1998, DAV International School, Amritsar has been striving hard to impart holistic education, an education that has been the dream of parents and educationists, of great statesmen and social reformers. The management, the administration and the faculty of the school are all geared towards this objective.
It was the vision of the great founding fathers of the school that it had to be a school with difference and it became our mission to translate that vision into reality. Starting literally from a scratch, the school has built a majestic empire.
With the student strength mounting to 5132, school is flourishing with the relentless services of 190 members of the teaching fraternity. The embellished lush green campus equipoised with all the technical advancements is spread over 806 acres of the area. This state-of-the-infrastructure with all the modern amenities and its beautiful landscaping combined with study-friendly classrooms, provides a perfect academic ambience and an ideal nurturing ground for a child to grow up as a complete personality.
Teachers are the backbone of any educational institute as they play vital role in the perfect grooming of the children. They act as a bridge between the policy makers and for whom the policies are made. At DAV International School, considering every aspect, the best of the best are appointed to render their services in this noble filed. Qualification at the time of appointment is not the only criteria here, various in-service Capacity Building Programs are also a regular feature of the school curriculum to keep the teachers with the latest changes as well as teaching methodologies so that the students don’t lag behind in any case.
Owing to its remarkable work in multifarious fields, the school has been felicitated with some highly regarded awards and honours time and again, like-
CBSE National School Sanitation Award
CBSE Sports Promotion Award
CBSE Award
Green School Award
Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar (twice)
British Council International School Award (twice in a row)
New Generation School tagline by CBSE
Endowment for Atal Tinkering Lab by NITI Aayog, Government of India