Dear Parents
At this momentous juncture of having completed 25 years in the virtuous field of education, I humbly take the proud privilege of welcome you in this holy temple of learning. With the vision to groom good human beings, the school imparts quality education with a holistic approach.
Learning is an inevitable product of the experience. Gone are the days when rote and didactic learning styles dominated the education system in which the children played a very passive and unassertive role. The prevailing education system has made learning an immersive experience for students by connecting classroom learning to real world situations. Learning by doing, hand-on experiments, students’ reflections are the hallmarks of the 21st century education. DAV International school embraces all these features so that its students don’t lag behind in any regard.
Amidst the changes that are sweeping the school education today, preparing children to take the rightful place in the society as responsible, productive and useful members remains our panoptic aim. Education has more sublime role of empowering children with life skills, right attitude and values that will lead them to a fulfilling life ahead. Our school constantly endeavours to train the precious human resource of the nation as per the need of the hour during the formative years and thus lay the foundation of their as well as the country’s promising future.
With the avowed objective of shaping balanced overall personalities, we make every possible endeavour to make the young and vibrant DAVIANS future ready so that they embrace the joys and sorrows in life with a healthy mindset. We give a practical shape to this idea by taking the concept of education beyond the textbooks. We ensure to make our child imbibe all the basic life skills to the core and thereby prove to be a productive member of the society.
Hopeful of a fruitful liaison with you!
With best wishes
Dr. Anjana Gupta