Event Start Date : 15/05/2019 Event End Date 30/04/2020

With the Elections round the corner, DAV International School, under the stewardship of Principal Dr. Anjana Gupta, organized an Interactive Session on “Voter Awareness” on school premises on May 15, 2019 with the sole motive of spreading awareness about the importance of voting, its benefits and some other related technicalities. A team of four members from the District SVEEP (Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation) Team was invited for the above said purpose. The team included – Mr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma, Mr. Munish Kumar, Mr. Ashu Dhawan and also RJ Sana – the Brand Ambassador deputed by the Election Commission of India. In their respective addresses, the whole team highlighted on the immense significance of the Right to Vote in a Democracy. They remarked that in every elections, the percentage of people casting the votes is very less and this time they have chosen the youth to spread awareness regarding this as youngsters are the trendsetters and they have the power to convince the people around them. Some important information regarding the Voter Helpline App was also given through a Power Point Presentation and students were motivated to download this app themselves as well as encourage others to do so.
Principal Dr. Anjana Gupta also motivated her students to exercise their Right to Vote judiciously this time or in the times to come. She expressed her gratitude to the team of SVEEP to have come to the school to impart such relevant information.
The session ended with a Question Answer Round in which students were questioned on the elections related topics and the ones who gave correct answers were awarded with gift vouchers.