DAV International holds Capacity Building Programme for teachers
Event Start Date : 28/09/2019 Event End Date 31/05/2020

Under the aegis of DAV CAE, New Delhi, the tutelage of Mr. J P Shoor, Director PS Schools-I ,New Delhi and the able guidance of Regional Officer of Zone A, Dr. Neelam Kamra, DAV International School Amritsar organised a one day Capacity Building Programme for the teachers on September 28, 2019. The event organised under the leadership of Principal Dr. Anjana Gupta witnessed an active participation of approximately 372 teachers hailing from different schools of Amritsar, Dasuha, Kapurthala, Gurdaspur and Talwara. The programme aimed at the enhancement of teaching of English, Hindi,Punjabi, Business Studies and EEDP. The Resource Persons of these subjects were honoured with bouquets and mementos by the host principal. Principal,while addressing the gathering stressed on role of an ideal teacher. She said that a true teacher lays the foundation of a student's life therefore he or she should be a role model. The teacher should remain unbiased and must remain polite under all circumstances.
Regional Officer, Dr. Neelam Kamra said that the main objective of DAV CAE is to enhance the teaching-learning process by polishing the methodologies and pedagogies of the teachers and updating them about the latest resources. She also said that the teachers should not only be a subject expert but also promote interactive learning in their classrooms.
In EEDP workshop special emphasis was laid on the origin of language, grammar and the common errors found in it. Teachers prepared question papers and working papers in the presence of the resource persons.
Principal Mr. Yogesh Gambhir, Ms. Seema Grover, Ms. Nidhi Pal, Ms. Shalini Saini were the resource persons for EEDP; Ms. Preet Inderjeet Kaur, Ms. Richa, Ms. Keerti, Ms. Sonia Mehta were the resource persons for English; Ms. Neeru Mehta, Ms Neeru Malhotra, Ms. Shipra Sharma were appointed for Hindi, Ms. Rajwant Kaur, Ms. Surinderjit Kaur, Ms. satwinder Kaur and Ms. Chandan were there for Punjabi, Mr. Vikas Mehra for Accounts and Ms. Neena Batra was the resource person for Business Studies.